Script for any-file to 3GP conversion

The following script should convert any video file (avi,mpeg, etc) to 3GP thats playable on many Nokia (and others) phones:

parse arg file
t = lastpos(‘.’,file)
if t=0 then exit

‘mencoder “‘file'” -nosound -noaspect -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -vf’ ,
‘expand=176:144,scale=176:144  -o’ fn’.avi -ofps 12′

‘mplayer -vo null -ao pcm -af resample=8000,volume=+4db:sc’ file

‘ffmpeg -y -i “‘fn’.avi” -i audiodump.wav -b 48k -ac 1′ ,
‘-ab 12.2k -map 0.0 -map 1.0′ fn’.3gp’

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